(too old to reply)
2006-10-25 21:45:40 UTC
Help Randy Gulley, Carol's husband , send the addict some porn at:

Carolyn and Randy Adamo Gulley
3245 North Lamar Road Mount Juliet TN 37122-7806
Phone 615-459-9345

After all he is requesting it on the Internet and thus it a legit

Jehovah's Witnesses & Theocratic Warfare: Why Jehovah's Witnesses Lie
In Court" by Dr. Jerry Bergman Phd (available at Amazon) is an
interesting study about how a professed-christian Religion is able to
extract sufficient reasoning from the Bible so as to teach its
membership that "lying" is not only permissible, but required under
certain circumstances.
As the title suggests, the WatchTower Society teaches Jehovah's
Witnesses that it is their duty to "lie in court", such as when it is
necessary to protect the reputation of the Cult's leadership, or to
prevent non-cult parents from gaining child custody from a spouse who
has joined the JW Cult, etc.
As the author points out, WatchTower doctrine basically teaches
Jehovah's Witnesses that the Bible says it is permissible to lie to "any
person who is not entitled to know the truth". This "slippery slope"
basically empowers every JW to lie to anyone, at any time, for any
In time of war this is known as disinformation or propaganda,but is ii
proper for the 'true' religion to LIE to advance it's agenda?
Remember,that Saint Peter denied Jesus out of fear when Jesus was
arrested,this is NOT the same thing as as insitutional 'fraud for God'
habitual lying.----
Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
dannyhaszard.com/manipulated.h tm
Danny Haszard
Durham, CT
Watchtower calls their protocol of lying,"Theocratic warfare".
Moonies call their protocol of lying,"Heavenly deception".
How this rings and resonates the same and it is scary.
I would estimate much of the time when a JW comes in behind me on a
secular news forum to revile/reply they outright deny LIE that they are
Jehovah's Witness members.
Some other times they will actually pretend to be of another religion
example:"I am a catholic,but i wish i had the courage to be a Jehovah's
I was truly amazed that the moonies call their deceptive protocol of
lying:"heavenly deception".How this rings and resonates so closely with
the Watchtower's;"theocratic warfare".
The moonies twisted heavenly deception plays like this:"Satan's children
lie to God's children,so in turn it's proper for God's children (e.g.
the moonies) To lie and deceive Satan's children.[ A doctrine of Mr.
Moon's is "Heavenly Deception", which briefly stated is this Because
Satan deceives God's children, God's children, in turn, have the right
to deceive Satan's children. Of course, you and I are defined by Mr.
Moon as "Satan's children", so we are the victims who get sold their
merchandise, along with the lie that it is for "youth work","Orphans" ,
or "drug rehabilitation".
Mr. Moon has been put in jail for tax evasion, and continues to have
troubles with the Internal Revenue Service in the U.S.A. He has added
several major industries to his street activities and continues to rake
in the money.]
I was born a JW in 1957 and i know that just about everything Watchtower
related is all pretense and window dressing,this is why so many of their
kids live double lives and most end up leaving the "troof"
Jesus said his followers would be the salt of the earth not the scum of
the earth.-Danny Haszard
Danny Haszard
Durham, CT
Black propaganda
BLACK propaganda is propaganda that purports to be from a source on one
side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is
typically used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.
It contrasts with GREY propaganda, the source of which is not
identified, and...
WHITE propaganda, in which the real source is declared. The term is also
sometimes used as a synonym for particularly malicious wartime
propaganda or falsification of information that is captured by an enemy.
Black propaganda may be generated by altering genuine enemy propaganda
in such a way as to distort its message.>> This is a particularly
powerful tool if the target audience has a poor understanding of the
language of the enemy.<<
Danny Haszard
Durham, CT
What is a Jehovah's Witness psychopath?
http://www.psychopath-research.com/whatis_psy... -------------- see
What makes them tick?You probably know the short answer.
NO conscience
What is a Psychopath?
"Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate and ruthlessly
plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts,
shattered expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret.
Their bewildered victims desperately ask, 'Who are these people?'"
We often think of psychopaths as the disturbed criminals who capture
headlines and crowd the nation's prisons. But not all psychopaths are
killers. They are more likely to be men and women you know who move
through life with supreme self-confidence -- but without a conscience.
"What makes them the way they are? How can we protect ourselves?"
-- Robert D Hare, "Without Conscience"
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Among Us
Robert Hare, in his 1993 book says: "Psychopaths are social predators
who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life,
leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and
empty wallets."
"Completely lacking in conscience and feelings for others, they
selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social
norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret."
"He will choose you, disarm you with his words, and control you with
this presence. He will delight you with his wit and his plans. He will
show you a good time, but you will always get the bill. He will smile
and deceive you, and he will scare you with his eyes. And when he is
through with you, and he will be through with you, he will desert you
and take with him your innocence and your pride. You will be left much
sadder but not a lot wiser, and for a long time you will wonder what
happened and what you did wrong. And if another of his kind comes
knocking at your door, will you open it?"
What is a Psychopath?+ Articles + In The News+ Movies and
Art Discussion Forum+ Psychopaths - People Without Conscience
JWs Against Incest
2006-10-26 03:23:07 UTC
"FalconGreenAttack" <***@mailinator.com> wrote in message news:***@i3g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
is Antonio L Santana aka jabriol.
(Aware that Antonio L. Santana using many aliases, anonymous remailers and
email addresses is searching for someone to possibly murder the Gulley
family I post this in the hope it saves her life from this homicidal porn
addicted person also
known as JABRIOL.)

From: Vance Liscomb <***@newsguy.com> another Jehovah's Witness
Subject: Re: For Carolyn Gulley (Correction) Antonio L Santana's victim.

In article <***@drn.newsguy.com>, Vance Liscomb says...

You have the wrong address. He lives with Norma I. Santanta
(born September 1959) and his address is:

Antonio L. (and Norma) Santana
1064 Everett Street
Camden, NJ
(856) 968-0004

His phone number is listed under A. Santana. He was born 1961.
Oddly enough he lives across the street from the West Jersey

There are two Kingdom Halls in the area:

1584 S 8th St Camden, NJ 08104-1469 (856) 365-0065

417 Walnut St Camden, NJ 08103-2033 (856) 365-4457

Remember, Kingdom Halls are just buildings. There may be more
than one congregation using the same KH.

I doubt that he is a Jehovah's Witness (*he is), so you might want to
ask for Norma Santana as well when you call.

I called the 856-365-0065 number but it was changed to:

A recording with a lady's voice with a Spanish accent asked me to leave a
message. This is a home phone - probably that of an elder in a Spanish
congregation. The 1584 S 8th St Kingdom Hall is only a few blocks from
where Antonio lives.

Regards Vance
NNTP-Posting-Host: p-282.newsdawg.com
It wasn't a snake. It was my foreskin. Happen a lot when I read
them porn stories on the net. I dont believe in mineral oil.