Anybody ever heard of anybody being arrested for having Traci Lords videos?
(too old to reply)
2005-08-26 14:14:48 UTC
Just like it says in the title. Anybody ever actually heard of anybody
for being arrested and charged? I've never heard of anybody.
2005-08-26 16:44:15 UTC
Post by WitchfinderGeneral
Just like it says in the title. Anybody ever actually heard of anybody
for being arrested and charged? I've never heard of anybody.
Not for simply having them, no.
2005-08-26 19:07:10 UTC
Apparently not for selling them either as we all can see on ebay, huh?
2005-08-26 19:54:12 UTC
Post by WitchfinderGeneral
Apparently not for selling them either as we all can see on ebay, huh?
That remains to be seen. Until now I think only one person had been
charged with selling them and that was back in the very early 90s,
however the slug who fancies himself the AFTL FAQ Maintainer (a
bullshit title he took for himself in order to SPAM this group) but is
really an imbecillic certified Usenet KOOK is currently sitting in
jail on a charge of trafficing in child porn and has a $75k bail set.
We do not know if he was peddling REAL kiddie porn or just TL tapes
but he was THE most prolific and "out there" peddler of TL material.
It will be interesting to see what the charges and evidence actually

2005-08-27 12:30:45 UTC
See this dude that I buy/trade stuff with, he sometimes sells to people
on ebay unofficially. He'll check out what they bid on and how many
times and stuff. Anyway, he sent an offer to some people who had put
bids on a TL magazine from 1984 that sold for 300+ dollars. One of the
people that he wrote and told that he had some rare films of TL, told
him back, "Do You know that i work for the FBI and that you are
busted?" That was all the guy wrote. Anyway, this dude bid twice on
the TL magazine from 1984. Also, he's got tons of "Private" auction
wins on his feedback. And for the most part, we all know what
"Private" means. But now the dude is kind of getting paranoid and
claims he's going to get rid of all his TL stuff by burning them or
getting rid of them. I think that guy who wrote back to him is full of
shit and I don't believe the FBI would be that blatant, you know.
Crimson Ghost
2005-08-27 15:43:00 UTC
"WitchfinderGeneral" <***@msn.com> wrote in message news:***@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com...

" I think that guy who wrote back to him is full of
shit and I don't believe the FBI would be that blatant, you know."

You are right. If the FBI were performing a "sting" operation, looking for
kiddie pron dealers, they sure as hell wouldn't announce the fact that they
wre the FBI. They would string you along, and set up a personal meeting, and
snag yer ass there.

2005-08-28 17:48:23 UTC
On Sat, 27 Aug 2005 15:43:00 GMT, "Crimson Ghost"
Post by Crimson Ghost
" I think that guy who wrote back to him is full of
shit and I don't believe the FBI would be that blatant, you know."
You are right. If the FBI were performing a "sting" operation, looking for
kiddie pron dealers, they sure as hell wouldn't announce the fact that they
wre the FBI. They would string you along, and set up a personal meeting, and
snag yer ass there.
That appears to be a case of an eBay buyer not being happy that he was
trolled off eBay in violation of eBay rules. The buddy selling shit
was no better than a scab SPAMMER and I would have tugged his nuts
too. He is stupid for being a SPAMMER (can get your ISP to dump you),
spamming with the promise of selling videos of an underage actress
engaged in sexual acts, and even more stupid if he believes it was the
FBI telegraphing an impending bust. LOL
2005-08-28 22:48:27 UTC
Ya, people get pissed off for various shit. Some people aren't as
receptive as others, but i guess when you do have something to lose you
get the shit scared out of you, lol.
MES Jones
2005-08-27 15:54:44 UTC
Don't know about selling, but I heard a story a while back about a guy
that bought TL vids from amsterdam and they were delayed and inspected
by customs. He eventually got them with a stamp on the package,
"inspected and not found to contain any seizable material".
That was 4 years ago and noting was ever done to him.
Personally, if I was him, and that paranoid I would transfer
everything to dvd and burry it in a firesafe that you can get in walmart
for 20 bucks.
I'm sure it is a kook though and not worth the trouble. mes.
2005-08-27 16:24:19 UTC
Ya, regardless of what one thinks about our CJ system and the way our
govt. being handled, I'd a think the feds are sneakier than that.
That's what i told the dude, to get one of those sterilite boxes from
target and bury it all if he's so freaked. He's got tons of ripped non
porn movies too, I told him get those cd book holders and dump them all
in their for the next month or two.
Darth Tanner
2005-09-05 03:06:03 UTC
I wonder if the government even remembers this case. This all happened
nearly 20 years ago and it seems that the dust has long since settled.
The only time you hear of this case being mentioned is whenever an
interview/article is done on TL and it is brought up 99.9% of the time.
If it hadn't been for that (and the fact that Traci went on to become
a mainstream actress), the whole incident probably would have been long
since forgotten.

But to answer the question: no. Traci's tapes were big sellers before
the scandal and I'm sure there are thousands of copies out there in
private collections. It's not like the police can track down everybody
that has ever bought a TL video before the news broke and confiscate
them. Not to mention the fact that it would be implausible to charge
everybody under the sun just for having them. Can you imagine what the
numbers would be?!?

Just be thankful to live in a civil country that is somewhat liberal.
This topic reminds me of a story I read ten years ago regarding the
"Video Nasties" craze in the UK during the early 80's. The story read
that in the UK (and maybe Europe) authorities were actually barging
into peoples homes and confiscating copies of EVIL DEAD when it was
considered to be a "video nasty". Don't know if it is true or not, but
scary to think about nonetheless. Good thing something like that can't
happen here.
2005-09-05 16:46:42 UTC
Funny, you should bring up about the video nasty. There's a very
intersting article about it in the Canadian horror magazine, Rue
Morgue, about the "video nasties" of the early 1980's. Not only EVIL
DEAD, but the Best Little Whorehose in Texas with Burt Reynolds and
Dolly Parton. Apparently the coppers didn't really know what to
confiscate and took anything that had an unsavory title. There was
this one guy who after the crackdown starting happening he started to
import videos from Amsterdam. He would make multiple copies and sell
them through ads in the back of UK mags. He did so well that with his
sales he bought a house and a new car. Now this was pretty funny in
that article, it was only when a letter arrived at his door step that
was written in childish script claiming that they wanted to purchase
some TL porn vid and SS Nazi Beast in Heat, along with some money for
the items. The guy sent it and then the cops came and arrested him.
But of course it was the selling of SS Nazi Beast in Heat that got him
5 years.
2005-11-08 15:03:18 UTC
Post by WitchfinderGeneral
Funny, you should bring up about the video nasty. There's a very
intersting article about it in the Canadian horror magazine, Rue
Morgue, about the "video nasties" of the early 1980's. Not only EVIL
DEAD, but the Best Little Whorehose in Texas with Burt Reynolds and
Dolly Parton. Apparently the coppers didn't really know what to
confiscate and took anything that had an unsavory title. There was
this one guy who after the crackdown starting happening he started to
import videos from Amsterdam. He would make multiple copies and sell
them through ads in the back of UK mags. He did so well that with his
sales he bought a house and a new car. Now this was pretty funny in
that article, it was only when a letter arrived at his door step that
was written in childish script claiming that they wanted to purchase
some TL porn vid and SS Nazi Beast in Heat, along with some money for
the items. The guy sent it and then the cops came and arrested him.
But of course it was the selling of SS Nazi Beast in Heat that got him
5 years.
Why, what's that?

The other stuff is pretty frightening. Guess the UK isn't so hot after

For email response, or CC, please mailto:corpusculent.sproinger(at)bigfoot.com
2006-04-29 15:13:12 UTC
Post by WitchfinderGeneral
Funny, you should bring up about the video nasty. There's a very
intersting article about it in the Canadian horror magazine, Rue
Morgue, about the "video nasties" of the early 1980's. Not only EVIL
DEAD, but the Best Little Whorehose in Texas with Burt Reynolds and
Dolly Parton. Apparently the coppers didn't really know what to
confiscate and took anything that had an unsavory title. There was
this one guy who after the crackdown starting happening he started to
import videos from Amsterdam. He would make multiple copies and sell
them through ads in the back of UK mags. He did so well that with his
sales he bought a house and a new car. Now this was pretty funny in
that article, it was only when a letter arrived at his door step that
was written in childish script claiming that they wanted to purchase
some TL porn vid and SS Nazi Beast in Heat, along with some money for
the items. The guy sent it and then the cops came and arrested him.
But of course it was the selling of SS Nazi Beast in Heat that got him
5 years.
What's SS Nazi Beast got in it? Never heard of it.

Guess it just goes to show, in a police state you have to assume
EVERYTHING is illegal and act accordingly. Only way to be safe.
I think there's a line in 1984 similar to that, but it's about
surveillance. I think it's "Since there was no way to know when you were
being watched, you had to assume you were always being watched."
More relevant today than when it was written.
Q: anybody know if it's still required reading in HS English class?
I strongly suspect it's been pulled from the curriculum. I've always
wondered if I was right.
But, I digress.

For email response, or CC: corpusculent.sproinger-***@t-bigfoot.com
2005-11-08 15:03:16 UTC
Post by MES Jones
Don't know about selling, but I heard a story a while back about a guy
that bought TL vids from amsterdam and they were delayed and inspected
by customs. He eventually got them with a stamp on the package,
"inspected and not found to contain any seizable material".
That was 4 years ago and noting was ever done to him.
Personally, if I was him, and that paranoid I would transfer
everything to dvd and burry it in a firesafe that you can get in walmart
for 20 bucks.
I'm sure it is a kook though and not worth the trouble. mes.
Yes to the previous, the FBI would never warn you before they had their
hands on your stuff!
They might not even tell you till you'd been rotting in jail for 3days, or
whatever the limit is without charging you, so you couldn't call a lawyer
for that long. You don't have the rights you think you do.

A fire safe would not be the wises, unless you really really wanted to
save the covers and such.
The best thing would be to rig a panic button destruction system.
My personal thought on this is to put it all on CD or DVD. Buy a cheapo
microwave big enough to fit em all in, then just have it set to 20sec on
high (but don't push start!).
FBI comes knocking, busting in, you dive for it and ZAP.
Nobody's ever getting anything off any of em, unless maybe you're a
suspected nuclear terrorist and they spend a million reassembling them,
which I don't even know would be possible at all.
I know they CAN do it with HDD's even if they're erased and rewritten
multiple times (wiped), but it costs an insane amount, takes forever, and
needs an electron microscope.
If you're in enough trouble they'd do that, you'd probably get
"disappeared" anyway and any proof would be mute.

For email response, or CC, please mailto:corpusculent.sproinger(at)bigfoot.com