2010-09-29 19:50:22 UTC
The chat room is still alive and kicking although we are in a
rebuilding period. Stop in and chat about everything from porn in
genera, capping or computer tech stuff, to banging the goth chic you
just met while at the drugstore getting ciggs. >:) It's all fair
game. Come see who you know and make new cyberfriends.
Wednesday nights only.
Techie Cafe' answers, and instructions.
First off.........yes there is a chat room.
Where is it?
It's on the server and the name of the room is #AFTL&d
( has been much more reliable than Dalnet or Efnet)
What's the purpose of the room?
It was created so posters can chat, in real time, with other posters.
It was also created so those who enjoy the posts can chat amongst
themselves. Everyone is welcome, whether you post or not. Posters are
free to set specific times when they'll be in the room and let the
folks on the news group know in advance, or you can just pop in
whenever you feel like it. The room belongs to us all....enjoy it.
Are any subjects taboo?
Are there any rules?
Nope, but be nice. If your not nice you will be booted and
banned by the channel founder or an operator.
Can I be kicked out of the room if I get obnoxious?
Yes, and permanently if you're really rotten.
What does the @ or ~ symbol in front of the nicknames in the room
It signifies that the person is a room operator (op), a Super
Operator (SOP) or founder.
What's the best time to go to the room?
Evenings are best. It's quiet during the day.......gotta work y'know:)
Wednesday is, for now, the only "scheduled" chat but I've found if you
keep the mIRC window minimized while surfing people pop in and out all
the time. Just scroll the window up after entering and it will ding
when someone comes in.
Can files (photos) be sent and received in the room?
It is discouraged for several reasons however requests can be made for
them to be posted and they can be downloaded in the newsgroup.
If you missed a particular file that was posted, feel free to ask the
poster if they can send it to you, but keep in mind that the room is
not intended to be a replacement for the news group. The intent of the
room is to provide a more intimate forum than email can possibly
I would like to talk privately with a poster. Can I do this in
the room?
Yes. No one but you and the poster will see your conversation if you
choose to have a private chat.
Is there a limit to the number of people in the room?
Who might be in the room?
You never know >:)
Sounds great, how do I get there?
See below.
You first need an IRC (internet relay chat) program.
You may already have one called Mirc on your system.
If you don't, you can download it from: or there is another great one called Virc
(visual internet relay chat........and yes it can send and receive
live video) from
Download the latest version.
For Mac users Ircle has the highest ratings.
Once you get it up and running, read the help file,
file......then client setup.
In client setup enter a nickname and a backup nickname.(in case
you're primary nick is being used by someone else)
Don't use a common name....they're all taken.
Certain characters are permitted..... such as....* - _ { } [ ]
Numbers are also permitted.
Use them to make your nick unique.
Enter an email address......a bogus one if you want. (most people do)
Enter your name in the name box.....again, bogus if you want.
In the server box
While still in client Virc options....then select
directories. In the download path box, enter the directory where you
would like to store any files (photos) you might receive while in the
chat room. That's about it for the basic setup.
Close the client setup window.
Most of this is automatic in mIRC.
Back in the main server window hit the start button (vIRC) or connect
to IRC (mIRC).
When it says....."connected", you're logged on to the server.
In mIRC a diologue box pops up asking for a room name, save AFTL&d to
the list for future visits then join the room. In vIRC, across the
bottom of the main (server) window is a box where you type
commands. To join the chat room type "/join #AFTL&d" without the
quotes, and don't forget the space between join and #.
That's're now in the AFTL chat room.
Irc sometimes suffers from "lag", which is basically a slowdown in the
system. If your comments seem to being ignored, you're almost
certainly suffering from lag. It might be taking some time before
anyone else in the room can see your comments. If you suspect your
lagging ask someone in the room to check by typing "ping please" and
be patient, someone will check for you and reply in the room with
something like " 45 seconds (your nick)". anything more than a few
seconds means your lagging and should change servers. Leave the room,
disconnect from the server and reconnect again. You'll almost always
reconnect to a different Dalnet server automatically and it should
improve the lag.
Have fun, and remember that this chat room is not intended to be a
replacement for the newsgroup.
rebuilding period. Stop in and chat about everything from porn in
genera, capping or computer tech stuff, to banging the goth chic you
just met while at the drugstore getting ciggs. >:) It's all fair
game. Come see who you know and make new cyberfriends.
Wednesday nights only.
Techie Cafe' answers, and instructions.
First off.........yes there is a chat room.
Where is it?
It's on the server and the name of the room is #AFTL&d
( has been much more reliable than Dalnet or Efnet)
What's the purpose of the room?
It was created so posters can chat, in real time, with other posters.
It was also created so those who enjoy the posts can chat amongst
themselves. Everyone is welcome, whether you post or not. Posters are
free to set specific times when they'll be in the room and let the
folks on the news group know in advance, or you can just pop in
whenever you feel like it. The room belongs to us all....enjoy it.
Are any subjects taboo?
Are there any rules?
Nope, but be nice. If your not nice you will be booted and
banned by the channel founder or an operator.
Can I be kicked out of the room if I get obnoxious?
Yes, and permanently if you're really rotten.
What does the @ or ~ symbol in front of the nicknames in the room
It signifies that the person is a room operator (op), a Super
Operator (SOP) or founder.
What's the best time to go to the room?
Evenings are best. It's quiet during the day.......gotta work y'know:)
Wednesday is, for now, the only "scheduled" chat but I've found if you
keep the mIRC window minimized while surfing people pop in and out all
the time. Just scroll the window up after entering and it will ding
when someone comes in.
Can files (photos) be sent and received in the room?
It is discouraged for several reasons however requests can be made for
them to be posted and they can be downloaded in the newsgroup.
If you missed a particular file that was posted, feel free to ask the
poster if they can send it to you, but keep in mind that the room is
not intended to be a replacement for the news group. The intent of the
room is to provide a more intimate forum than email can possibly
I would like to talk privately with a poster. Can I do this in
the room?
Yes. No one but you and the poster will see your conversation if you
choose to have a private chat.
Is there a limit to the number of people in the room?
Who might be in the room?
You never know >:)
Sounds great, how do I get there?
See below.
You first need an IRC (internet relay chat) program.
You may already have one called Mirc on your system.
If you don't, you can download it from: or there is another great one called Virc
(visual internet relay chat........and yes it can send and receive
live video) from
Download the latest version.
For Mac users Ircle has the highest ratings.
Once you get it up and running, read the help file,
file......then client setup.
In client setup enter a nickname and a backup nickname.(in case
you're primary nick is being used by someone else)
Don't use a common name....they're all taken.
Certain characters are permitted..... such as....* - _ { } [ ]
Numbers are also permitted.
Use them to make your nick unique.
Enter an email address......a bogus one if you want. (most people do)
Enter your name in the name box.....again, bogus if you want.
In the server box
While still in client Virc options....then select
directories. In the download path box, enter the directory where you
would like to store any files (photos) you might receive while in the
chat room. That's about it for the basic setup.
Close the client setup window.
Most of this is automatic in mIRC.
Back in the main server window hit the start button (vIRC) or connect
to IRC (mIRC).
When it says....."connected", you're logged on to the server.
In mIRC a diologue box pops up asking for a room name, save AFTL&d to
the list for future visits then join the room. In vIRC, across the
bottom of the main (server) window is a box where you type
commands. To join the chat room type "/join #AFTL&d" without the
quotes, and don't forget the space between join and #.
That's're now in the AFTL chat room.
Irc sometimes suffers from "lag", which is basically a slowdown in the
system. If your comments seem to being ignored, you're almost
certainly suffering from lag. It might be taking some time before
anyone else in the room can see your comments. If you suspect your
lagging ask someone in the room to check by typing "ping please" and
be patient, someone will check for you and reply in the room with
something like " 45 seconds (your nick)". anything more than a few
seconds means your lagging and should change servers. Leave the room,
disconnect from the server and reconnect again. You'll almost always
reconnect to a different Dalnet server automatically and it should
improve the lag.
Have fun, and remember that this chat room is not intended to be a
replacement for the newsgroup.